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Functionalization of PU-based materials for orthopedic applications

The biocompatibilization of the implantable materials is one of the greatest tasks in biomaterials engineering. A general strategy to reduce the platelet retention index is to modify the biomaterial surface varying chemical, morphological and structural parameters. In order to prolong the functional life of the long-term implantable materials with a patient-tailored geometry the immobilization of the bioactive molecules onto the surface is required. This approach is realized mostly via either grafting or coating techniques.

Novel biomaterials on a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) basis have been prepared in our group that exceed the performance of currently used biomaterials in terms of biocompatibility, longevity and wear resistance allows tailoring TPUs for orthopedic application.

Biocompatibility of the hydrolytic stable nonpolar TSiPCU-based implant should be improved by immobilizating a suitable bio-compatibilizer that would be “non-toxic, bioactive, availability of tissue bonding and non biodegradable”. The bio-compatibility of the hyaluronic acid modified TSiPCU materials should be done using in vitro tests with chondrocytes, SEM analysis, fluorescence microscopy, etc.

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financial support & acknowledgement

Financial support of this project by BMBF under grand number 01EC1406C (TOKMIS) is gratefully acknowledged.